Thursday, October 21, 2010

To the Manor Osborne

I know someone who, because of depression, hasn't been able to work for years. Some days he is OK, some days not. There is no way he can hold down a normal job, because there are days he just can't get out of bed. He lives in London and can barely scrape by on the welfare payments he is able to claim. He can't afford to go out with friends or do anything that most of us take for granted. Now Gideon "George" Osborne and the government of old Etonians and assorted other people who have no idea what life is actually like for poor people, have decided that he should lose his right to incapacity benefit (unless he can manage to be classified as "seriously disabled", which sounds like a physical definition rather than a mental one). His story is not in any way unique. In crafting a budget which they claim to be "fair" and "progressive" they have in fact attacked the poor of Britain in a way that even Thatcher might have balked at.

Benefit fraud costs the UK taxpayer something like £1bn a year. Tax evasion is thought to cost in the region of £40-70bn a year. Which one is the government targeting?

I'm sickened by these scum. I urge everyone to read this fantastic and savage piece by Johann Hari in today's Independent. It says everything better than I ever could. This is war on the poor, pure and simple.


Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you say here Andy - well put! I didn't know the statistic about tax evasion, either. Thanks for pointing that one out.

The only thing I disagree with is whether Thatcher may, or may not have balked at these cuts. She wouldn't have, for sure.

Not quite sure which yet, but the day the old baggage dies, I'll wear a flower in my buttonhole to celebrate (though I'll have to find a jacket with a buttonhole first- Looks like I might not have long to find one, either!)

EFL Anarcho.

Andy said...

That's a fair comment, EFLA. Thatcher would have loved to have done something like this. She's probably even now cackling maniacally from her hospital bed.

Anonymous said...

Yes it's sad what happens..
By the way I remember I read "Nice work" by David Lodge and apparently the novel was written in Ms. Thatcher' time..she had quite a view of society in general..:)


Radu said...

Andy, I am one of your readers, I just wanted to see how a foreigner is coping in our country.

Your comment is right. I know how destructive a depression can be. In 1998, I wasn't able to work, I nearly got fired from the job. Thanks God I went to a psychoterapeut in Bucharest and since then I am nearly back in the saddle.

In Romania the depression is considered either as mental insanity or laziness (this is just one reason the mental health of the population really suffers).
And our wannabee thatcherite government would not even consider helping people with depression.
See for instance on an interview with the eonomic advisor of Boc titled "compassion for those who work, afterwards for the assisted". Sure great compassion! They will change the Work Code so that the boss can fire you immediately.

And finally my experience showed me that the ones who are frauding te social assistance are usually very resourceful. The first ones who are suffering are the affected persons who have no one to support them... said...

Buna Seara!
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