A cathedral with green trim

A cathedral with blue trim

That square where everyone revolted

Kyiv Richards

Main street, at the weekend when it's closed to traffic

My life in and around Csíkszereda, also known as Miercurea Ciuc. A small town in the Ciuc Depression, Romania. I reserve the right to go off topic and talk about anything I damn well like.
How long will these Kyiv musings go on?
No offense, but I am much more interested in Csikszereda. ;)
They close the main street to car traffic on weekends?? That is brilliant!
That's it now. I'm all out of Kyiv.
Mind you I'm too busy to write much else at the mo (much of these Ukrainian things got written on the plane home and edited and posted when I got home)
What, no pictures of "slut chic"?
You mentioned it enough, you could have illustrated what you were tallking about. Most disappointing... ;-)
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