Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Before the fall

It feels like summer didn't happen this year. May and June were appalling weather-wise, and I spent July and August out of the country working. And now it's September and all of the signs are that winter is on its way
  1. The storks have gone*
  2. People have started harvesting potatoes
  3. We picked a barrel full of plums off the ground in the garden this weekend (we measure plums in barrels because that's where they make their transition from small fruits to delicious winter warming palinka)
  4. It's already pretty cold (though thankfully not yet as cold as it was in England 10 days ago when I was freezing my arse off)
  5. Trees have started changing colour
  6. The kids go back to school next week
  7. The ice hockey season starts this evening with Sport Club playing Steaua. On September 7th! Ice Hockey! Bloody hell. (Apropos of which, I've just discovered a new English language Sport Club blog)
See what a rural nature-based life I lead? Apart from the ice hockey and school bits obviously.

Thankfully here we don't have the arrival of Christmas decorations in the shops until much much later in the year (unlike the UK where apparently this year they started in August), but it does feel like we're on the slow slide towards winter. I like autumn, really, and it's especially beautiful here in Transylvania, but it just feels too early. I'm not ready for this yet, I need to have a summer first. Please.

(*Storks seem to be the primary measure of weather and seasons here. In addition to their arrival and departure dates being of interest, this year, I'm told, the early summer was so rubbish that their eggs didn't hatch, and so they laid a second batch. These did hatch, but the resultant young are not big enough to fly south for the winter, so they will stay here and die. This tragic tale would be more convincing were I to have seen any of these poor doomed orphan storks anywhere, but I haven't, so I'm not sure whether it's of any validity)


Mike said...

First of all thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on it.:)

It's funny because back when I was in 3rd class, I guess in 2000, I was attending English language courses at Soros, and I had a teacher from America named Andy.

Ian Plenderleith said...

Don't you miss those Vermont autumns? Just getting over months of unbearable humidity, heat and power-cutting thunderstorms here in DC - best time of the year just starting.

Katharine said...

See, but you live in chilly old Transylvania, not humid, muggy-ass old Washington DC where it's still sickeningly warm in mid-September.